Friday, October 10, 2014

Not Shaken or Stirred

I have set the Lord always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken. (Psalm 16:8 ESV)

This world is broken and so are we. We live in a time where so many factors can shake our world. The news is covering so many things all over the world, mainly bad, that it is turning us into natural worriers. When we watch these events happen it makes us more paranoid about things in our own lives. The fact is a lot of these things have been happening for years & years but because of social media and the advance in technology, we hear about them more often. If you think about, the situations haven't changed but the coverage & knowledge about them have. Why should we live in a state of fear when we serve a God that was the same then & is the same now.

To be honest I rarely watch the news. Not because I don't care what's going on in the world but because I'm not going to change who God made me to be just because of events going on around the world. Of course I pray for people going through horrific events and people losing their lives for various I thing and I pray that God will be able to be seen somehow through it all but we cannot let that fear and worry derail our mission of bringing Gods Kingdom to this broken world. There are rarely any positive things in the news anymore so I would rather not fill my mind with fear and doubt. I will set the Lord before me and I will NOT be shaken. Some would say that I'm just living in a bubble of false reality. I would say that I serve a God that is my reality and He is bigger than all my fears, worries and doubts. Let us not be shaken but hold onto the Solid Rock and pursue Him with all we have no matter what the world tries to tell us.

Grace and Peace

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