Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The GIANT Must Fall!

The Giant Must Fall

Why do we run?

Not the physical running to get in shape but the running away from things we feel we can’t defeat. When an obstacle comes against us we use our human understanding and past experiences to judge whether or not we can face the GIANT before us and win.

Think of the not so kid friendly story of David and Goliath. Do you think that David was ever scared? Do you think that David had a time of self-doubt? Do you think David ever wanted to run away to a safer place? Sure, he was human. But he knew that if God had called him to this battlefield He would equip him with the proper tools to combat the enemy. See the Israelite army had man made shields and armor but knew that they would be no match for the Philistine GIANT that awaited them. We are the same way. We all put on the worldly armor that we think will help us defeat our GIANT. We put up false fronts to make others think we have it all together. We hide behind self-pleasure, self-satisfaction and the approval of others to make us feel safe or at least better than someone else. If we are honest, most of the time our situations make us feel inadequate, unworthy, depressed and unable to take on that struggle and that’s exactly what the enemy wants. To let our defenses down and accept defeat. David was given worldly armor and found it burdensome and too much of a weight to carry. He had all the worldly odds against him but made the Wise Decision to trust God and walk burden free into the battle and found victory
So what’s the Giant in your life and what wise decisions should you be making?
In our own human understanding, it would be easier to run away to a safer, more comfortable place where we know the outcome.  But what is God is calling you to do in your situation? What needs to be done to defeat your GIANT?

end a relationship, get counseling, cancel your internet, cut up your credit cards, take another job, stop flirting with your co-worker, put down the bottle, seek help from a friend, quit gossiping, seek God’s approval and not the approval of others, pray more, listen more, read the bible more, be more humble, more loving, more caring, more compassionate, see the good in others.

The list could go on and on but we must come to the realization that we all have GIANTS. What are you going to do about yours?

In my opinion, I would want to face the giant before me knowing that God is by my side and has what is best for me. Is that easy? Of course not!  Safe, comfortable decisions are easy to make with our own minds but Wise Decisions are made when we first seek the creator of us and our futures. Let’s be wise and go into every battle with the guaranteed victory in Jesus!!

THE GIANT MUST FALL!! So make the Wise Decision and seek God before the battle begins and you can guarantee the end result will be victory.