Friday, September 21, 2012

A Focused Mind

As my 10K run approaches, I have to get my mind focused on the task that is before me. I have been super busy this week with a cold on top of it all. I need to take this evening to relax and focus my mind and body for tomorrow.

I think as our walk with Christ goes we get super busy with life and sometimes get spiritually & physically exhausted. The interesting part is that sometimes we are super busy with good things like volunteering @ church or playing on a worship team or community outreach, etc...... We need to make sure we take time for a sabbath. My pastor said this Sunday that "you can do more in 6 days with a Sabbath than 7 days without". Take a day to do something that feeds your spirit. Take a hike or go to the park or just chill @ home in your pajamas or run a 10K. The interesting thing is when I run, it's not the most fun thing to do but I can totally check out of reality. Gives me time to focus on my life and thank God for all He has done for me.

My challenge is that you take some time for a Sabbath!!

Grace & Peace

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Spiritually & Physically Fit

1 Corinthians 6:19-20
"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

I think sometimes we read certain scriptures and understand it but don't fully commit to it. We try and find ways to "fulfill" the scripture the best way it fits into our lifestyle and go on with our life. I think the Holy Spirit wants us to fully commit mind, body & spirit.

In 1 Corinthians we read that we are to honor our body because it is a temple for the Holy Spirit. I always though I was doing well with this until I finally fully committed and realized that our physical health is a very large part of the puzzle. As I began running, eating healthy and loosing weight, my walk with Christ has grown more than before. I have realized that the only way for me to overcome an unhealthy lifestyle was to allow the Holy Spirit, who is dwelling in my temple, to supernaturally give me the willpower to overcome temptations and help me persevere through things. Sometimes on a long run, the only thing that got me through was quoting scripture and focusing on the glory of God!

If you are wondering what is missing in your Christian walk, it may just be a discipline in the area of physical fitness & healthy eating. Give it try. What do you have to lose? You will feel better & have a closer connection with the Holy Spirit.

Grace & Peace

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ungrateful Christians (two words that should never be used together)

I know we all have our days when we are in a bad mood and do things we wouldn't normally do or say things we wouldn't normally say. But when it happens 3 days in a row, there is an attitude problem. We as Christians are called to a higher standard especially when you are in a leadership position. It saddens my heart when people can be so ungrateful when someone has been doing everything they can to help make things accommodating and comfortable. 

I pray that WE can look past the petty things in life. 

It's easy for us to find something to complain about. When things are inconvenient for us, things are not going our way or someone has a different opinion than you. We need to pick our battles wisely and be grateful that we are alive, breathing, loved by a God who has every right to deny His love based on our actions towards Him but yet He still loves us unconditionally!

Let's be a people who are known by our actions and words and show Gods love to all we come in contact with!

Grace and Peace

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Getting Back into Good Habits!

It's good to be back! I want this to become a habit for me because it makes me stop and evaluate my life. We can get so busy in life and forget that we are making impressions on people and in situations every day of our life. Have you ever stopped and wondered what impact your having on your surroundings? My prayer today is that my actions, words and deeds reflect God's love and are always leading people to something better!

Good to be back!
Grace and Peace

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