We are here in Atlanta Georgia for the Catalyst Conference. The first day is over and we were able to see 4 great speakers from Johnathan Acuff, Gayle Haggard, Chris Hodges and Alan & Deborah Hirsch. They all brought very relevant topics to the table and really made you think about things. I love it when a speaker makes you think about something and not just give you the same old thing that once you hear it you cash out and focus on the rest of the things you have to do that day. Jon Acuff talked about a part of the brain that when it hears something old or something its heard before, it looks at that topic and immediately puts it away in one of the "buckets" in your brain. He said you need a surprise, something new and fresh to catch your attention and allow you to engage your brain in something it has never heard before. Gayle Haggard wife of Ted Haggard. She spoke on Love and Grace. If you know the story of Ted Haggard you know how hard it would be for someone, a wife in her case, to show Grace and Forgiveness to that situation. She said that you will have trouble. That's just the world. It's how you deal with that trouble or situation that shows the world how you truly live your life. We show what we believe by what we do. Real Forgiveness is as though you never have never sinned. As Christians, when we see someone struggling or facing temptations, we need to press in and show love and compassion, not judge and condemn. She mentioned that we pray for our leaders for the strength to overcome temptations and struggles but when they fall to those temptations and struggles we think they have failed. We need to press in at those moments and show love and grace to them in a way they have never seen before. Grace and Forgiveness go hand in hand.
Jon Acuff of www.stuffchristianslike.net was a very good presenter and told the 7 steps to tell a story that allows people to get involved with. He is a very funny guy but brings good satire not mockery. You should check out his website. We are getting ready for breakfast and the Comfort Inn and Suites and then going to head out for the day. Andy Stanley is opening the conference and am looking forward to all the speakers they have lined up. I will try and check back later!
Grace and Peace